Contest Winners

For the Expedition Africa Prize Pack Giveaway I asked this question:

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

So here is the winner and their answer:

Michelle : I would go to Hawaii!

For the Ice Road Truckers Giveaway I asked this question:

What dangerous sport/job would you like to do but don’t have the nerve to?

So here is the winner and their answer:

Sherry : I would love to be a full-time fire fighter, but it is a risky job.


You are my winners in the
Expedition Africa Prize Pack Giveaway and the Ice Road Truckers Giveaway!

Thank you to everyone who entered.

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Expedition AfricaExpedition Africa Prize Pack GiveawayExpedition Africa Prize Pack Giveaway winnersgiveawaysIce Road TruckersIce Road Truckers GiveawayIce Road Truckers Giveaway winners