Expedition Africa Prize Pack Giveaway

HISTORY™ presents the television event of the summer: EXPEDITION AFRICA: STANLEY & LIVINGSTON.

Watch the series premiere May 31 at 10pm/9c. Twenty miles off the coast of eastern Africa, four modern-day explorers are sailing toward the unknown, the deep interior of Tanzania. They’ll travel over 900 miles through African terrain that is as stunning as it is fraught with danger. Using only a compass and basic maps, they will attempt to recapture the spirit of one of the world’s most remarkable adventures—journalist Henry Morton Stanley’s perilous 1871 journey to find Dr. David Livingstone. Their historic exploration has been captured by one of the premiere storytellers of our time, Mark Burnett. This is not a competition or a game. It’s a real-life adventure. Join other fans on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/History, follow History on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/History_Daily, and visit the official site http://www.history.com/expedition.

Here is a behind-the-scenes look at Expedition Africa:



In celebration of the premiere of Expedition Africa, I am having a Expedition Africa Prize Pack Giveaway!

One lucky reader of my blogs will receive a prize pack that includes:

-History Channel Laptop Backpack
-Expedition Branded 35mm Disposable Camera & Photo Album

-Trek Kit including Binoculars, Flashlight, Compass, Swiss Army Knife & more

To Be Entered:
– Follow this blog
-Leave your real first name, blog alias, valid email address, and the answer to this question-
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Open to the U.S. only!

Extra Entries:
(You can earn up to 3 Extra Entries!)
-If you are a follower of my other blog: temppatt (please tell me that you are)
-Mention this giveaway on your blog/site and send me the link
-Leave a comment on another post I’ve made on this site and send me the link

The contest will end Thursday June 11!
The winner will be announced Friday June 12!

Good Luck!

Leave your vote

behind the scenes of Expedition AfricaExpedition AfricaExpedition Africa Prize PackExpedition Africa Prize Pack GiveawayGiveawaygiveaways
Comments (93)
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  • DSinAZ

    I have always wanted to visit Ireland.
    I am following: DSinAZ
    Diane hazelfied at gmail dot com

  • peg42

    I would love to go to Bermuda.
    I’m a follower.


  • Fangirl Jen

    I dream of going to Italy.

    Fangirl Jen

    kipjen at comcast dot net

  • sillelin

    I would go to Acapulco again.


  • tawnda

    Tawnda for both…
    I would like to go to Australia

  • tawnda

    I follow both

  • taterbug

    I follow your blog.
    Cathy (taterbug)

    I’d go to the Galapagos Islands to see all the wildlife.

    cathyandharold at gmail dot com

  • taterbug

    I am a follower of your other blog (temppatt) too.

    Cathy (taterbug)

    cathyandharold at gmail dot com

  • Luigi D

    I would want to go to Iceland.
    That place looks so unique.
    nwoluigi at aol dot com

  • Tina12312

    If I could go anywhere, I would pick Hawaii or Australia, two places that are just far away and expensive enough, that I can’t imagine going, but both would be lovely. Thank you so much!

  • Tina12312

    I’m following your blog.

  • rayreadb

    Bob my blog alias B.W. If I could go anywhere I would visit France.

  • Charity


    It has to be London! That’s my dream destination.


    charisscharity [at] yahoo [dot] com

  • singermagic1

    I Have always wanted to see the Turtles and lizards in the Galapagos, I also want to go to New Zealand

  • Marianna

    I’d LOVE to go to Italy! I follow you!

  • Janice Wright

    I would love to go on an Alaskan cruiese.

    jwright (at) iowatelecom (dot) net

  • chromiumman

    chromiumman (at) mail (dot) com
    paris, france

  • Punky

    piccolaamadea [at] gmail [dot]com
    I really want to go to Sri Lanka

  • Mia J.

    I would like to go to australia.

  • Annette Doggett

    If I could go anywhere in the world it would be to the U.K. and go an a “Beatles tour”. I am a huge Beatles fan and would love to walk across Abbey Road and go to Liverpool and see the Beatles Museum.

  • Missy

    I would love to go to Australia!

    Thanks for the fun giveaway!

  • Dominique

    I'd love to go to Australia too! 😀 please count me in for this great giveaway!

    I'm a follower of your other blog too 🙂


  • janetfaye

    I follow.

    I would go to Hawaii.


    janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

  • skooterbear

    Well this would be great for my 13 yr old, he's has to take one 2 school every day because he'd needs it to do his class room work, because of hand injury to his writting hand, and it would be well worth it 2 us to have one, I'd didn't have the extra money 2 spend on one 4 him, thanks signe me up.

  • Jessilyn82

    I would go to Rome, Italy..I have family there I've never met and it would be interesting to see my history

  • Vincent

    I love skiing in California.

  • heaventrees

    I'd go to the British Isles, a complete tour.

  • Ken

    I'm a stay-at-home. The Army took care of all traces of wunderlust I had. Please accept my entry. Thank you.

  • ky2here

    We've always dreamed of Prague.

  • Anonymous

    my name is james sheffield
    my email is j.sheffield@ymail.com
    i would like to go to Egipt

  • Jean Ammon

    I would like to go to Amsterdamn because my Fiancee always wanted to go sadly he got killed in a motorcycle accident in temecula Aug. 30th 2008. So i'd love to go and be able to tell him all about it when i get to heaven to spend eternity with him one day. I'd also like to take a few of his ashes over to amsterdamn and let them blow in the wind so then he'd be there too. (RIP Greg Scott)

    I follow you on twitter too!

    Stephanie Saner

  • darlanpaulsmamma

    I would go to Germany and research my ancestors
    melissa.barnes76 at yahoo dot com

  • unPC

    I follow this blog!


    I would go to the Galapagos Islands to visit Lonely George!

  • Micheleb

    I would go to Hawaii.
    I'm a follower.


  • Micheleb

    I am a follower of your other blog temppatt

  • Pam

    I follow!!!

    Pamela S

    If I could go anywhere, I'd probably go to Australia. I hear it's beautiful and has excellent scuba diving.



  • Shelly

    I follow – Shelly
    Easter Island fascinates me

    michelejdaley at gmail dot com

  • Shelly

    follow temppatt – Shelly

  • k-team

    I am following! I would love to go to Tokyo and visit the Disney parks there, too. k-team@comcast(dot)net Thanks! Julie K.

  • Christine

    I've always wanted to visit Europe. I really want to see Japan too.

    I'm a follower.

    Christine W.

  • Christine

    I follow temppatt as well.

  • A Reader

    Follower (liane66)


    U would go to Austraila.
    Thanks for the giveaway!


    I'd take a nice Antarctic cruise

  • Couture Lady

    Anywhere but home!
    The Galapagos would be on my top places to visit.
    My blog alias is Couture Lady
    Janice B.

  • Jinxy and Me

    I'm a follower. I would love to go to New Zealand.

  • Gianna

    Mount Rushmore 🙂

  • heatherzilla

    First name: Heather
    Blog name: heatherzilla
    email: heatherzilla(at)care2(dot)com
    I would go to Scotland.
    I follow your blog.

  • Anonymous

    Sitting – right there on top of Table Mountain, Cape Town, South Africa.

  • Noggy

    I've always wanted to go Africa on a week-long photographic safari like those you might see on National Geographic. I started talking about going to Africa when I was only 4 years old so this has been a lifelong dream of mine.
    1st name: Marie
    Blog Name: Marie Noguerole (no alias, but spammers will die a cruel and unusual death)
    Email: noggysnotes[at]yahoo[dot]com
    Follower on Blogger

  • yomomma

    I've always wanted to visit Ireland
    I follow: yomomma2
    First Name: Phyllis
    dr.sr.zwen at gmail dot com

  • Katie

    I'm a follower..

    and if I could go anywhere I think I would go to the Whitsunday islands in australia!

    weezandkoto at gmail dot com

  • Nanette

    I would love to go back to London, England.

  • Taylor

    Aurelia Casson

    Would like to go to Queanbeyan Australia

  • purplepassion126

    I would love to go to anywhere in Italy or to Ibiza.

  • kathy pease

    following your blog as klp1965
    kathy pease

    if i could go anywhere i would go to australia i hear it is so beautiful there 🙂

  • kathy pease

    following your other blog as klp1965
    kathy pease

  • NesieBird

    My ideal location is Florence, Italy, among many, many others. kneecree at gmail dot com

  • slehan

    follow blog as slehan.
    I've always wanted to go to New Zealand. Thanks for the contest.
    slehan AT juno DOT com

  • dvice

    I would go to New Zealand

  • Maja

    Sahara, again.

  • Maja


  • theolotto

    I would go to hawaii.


  • JudyZ

    I want to go on a cruise of the Greek Islands.