Review: 12 Rounds DVD

John Cena as Det. Danny Fisher
Aidan Gillen as Miles Jackson
Ashley Scott as Molly Porter
Steve Harris as Special Agent George Aiken
Brian J. White as Det. Hank Carver

Street Date: June 30, 2009
Pricing: $29.98 U.S. (standard DVD)
Genre: Action
Run Time: 109 minutes
Rating: PG-13


12 Rounds is about a New Orleans Police Detective named Danny Fisher (John Cena) who stops a thief from getting away with a multi-million dollar heist. During the capture, the thief’s girlfriend is accidentally killed. A year later, the thief (Miles – played by Aidan Gillen) escapes from jail and seeks revenge on Detective Fisher. Fisher is then informed that he must complete 12 rounds (a series of near impossible puzzles and tasks) in order to save his fiancée from the thief’s evil clutches.

The DVD features:

* Theatrical and Unrated versions-
There really isn’t a difference between the two as far as the movie goes but you must be viewing the Unrated version in order to access the two commentary tracks.

* Two Commentary tracks-
One is with the Director Renny Harlin and the other is with the writer Daniel Kunka and John Cena. Both tracks are very informative but the one with the writer and John Cena was more entertaining.

* Two Alternate Endings-
It’s a chance to see how the movie could have ended – thankfully it didn’t end like either ending.

* Never-Before-Seen Gag Reel

* Crash Course – John Cena Stunts-
Out of all the extras this would have to be the coolest. John Cena was totally involved in the stunts. From the cool driving to the high flying. You get to see how great of a driver John is and how afraid of heights he is.


12 Rounds is a solid film. It has great action scenes that take you through various parts of New Orleans on an edge of your seat cat-and-mouse chase. Unlike The Marine, it is believable and all of the movies explosions clearly have a reason. 12 Rounds is a cool action film that will keep you engrossed for every round.

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12 Rounds12 Rounds DVD12 Rounds DVD Review12 Rounds movie review12 Rounds starring John CenaDVDdvd reviewEntertainmentJohn Cenamovies
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