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Book Blitz: Sinners in the Dark by Inger Iversen + Giveaway


Sinners in the Dark
Inger Iversen
(Running in the Dark #2)
Publication date: March 25th 2016
Genres: Paranormal, Young Adult

War is coming between vampires and humans, and the Vampire Nation will stop at nothing to eliminate their enemies. Former assassin, Echo sees the Nation for what it is – a corrupt organization with its sights set on destroying the Sect, a group formed to eradicate all things vampire. Now Echo is a Ghost, a traitor of the Vampire Nation, determined to build a new life with the Sect. But choices he’s made in the past might cost him the one person who could truly redeem his soul.

Sequel to:
Chapter 1
Present Day
Give as Good as You Get
Via crept slowly along the back wall of the seedy motel, keeping her body out of the light. Quietly, she tucked her lucky silver cross in her shirt and reached to her side to pull her queb, a weapon made from wood, from her belt. With her other hand, she palmed her gun and released it from her side. She studied the two hoodlums with intense disdain as they eyed the mom and pop diner. Via knew the owners, and ate there often back when she was a dollar away from being homeless.

Gang vampires were a tricky bunch. They often traveled in groups, and more times than not, had two or more lookouts. Via glanced around the back alley in search of anything amiss, but was greeted with nothing. Turning back to the group assembling before her, she noted their clothing; the red and gold shirts of the vamp-bangers told Via two things. First, they were not generals in the gang, but mere henchmen. And second, they were stupid as fuck, as this was their rival’s territory. She’d had many encounters with both gangs, on account of them liking to kidnap and rape women; enjoying their screams as she gutted them like a fish with her queb.
The sound of glass shattering pulled her out of her thoughts. Now would be the time Via should pull her cell from her pocket and dial up her dhampir partner, Echo. Her stomach roiled at the thought, and though Austin believed it a good idea to partner a human with a trusted dhampir, Via wasn’t feeling the love. Using the excuse of having her hands full, she didn’t make the call and inched closer to the opening leading out to the main street. She darted across the street and damn near ninja dove into the window. Once she cleared the glass and debris, she smoothly rolled under the nearest table for cover.
Via was no fool, with vamps’ excellent hearing and sniffers, they’d easily discover her in the café, but she was banking on one thing to help her out. She took a quick peek at the bottom of her queb for reassurance. The stake-like rod was thick as a baton, the tip sharp as a razor’s edge, and it gave a faint glow from the rune placed on it by an enchantress. This particular rune obliterated Via’s human scent. A handy tool when hiding from vamps.
Like with any mission, sanctioned or unsanctioned, Via had a plan: attack, kill, and repeat, until all vamps were dead. Ordinarily, Echo had point and took out the lookouts. His superior vision and hearing had often given him and Via an advantage, but since he wasn’t with her, it’d be like old times.
Vamp number one, who she’d decided to call Lefty, since he was missing his right eye, slid to a halt in front of the broken window. Ambient light from the streetlights filtered into the small café, creating shadows across Lefty’s perplexed face. Via inched her gun up—loaded with silver nitrate bullets—and readied her queb just as the pale faced vamp turned. The first shot rang out like an explosion in the night. Seared flesh, blood, and pieces of Lefty’s remaining eye showered around Via.
Standing to take care of the second vamp sliding around the corner, she lost her balance in the blood and fell to the floor. In a second, she made the choice to drop the queb, and aim the weapon. To her surprise, instead of one vampire, there were now three. These were more than some run-of-the-mill gangbangers, breaking and entering. The one she’d aptly named Blue, for his intense electric blue eyes, held a few boxes in his hand, and not one of them had made their way to the cash register, or the wall safe.
Blue’s eyes widened at the sight of her. “Hey, baby.” His voice held a sickening slimy quality. He handed the boxes to Tyson, who she’d named Mike Tyson since they both had those stupid matching face tattoos. “Did you come to play?” Licking his lips, his eyes did a perusal of her body, taking time to linger on her breasts.
Slowly, Via stood and placed her empty hand on her hip while keeping her gun aimed. “Stop, in the name of the law.” None of the vamps spoke. The silence filled the room and Via tensed. Okay, so these guys didn’t like her joke.
The three vamps, Blue, Tyson and Shit Eater—no explanation for nickname needed—stared at her longer, before there was a blur of movement, and one of the three stooges knocked the gun from her hands. Next came a gut-crushing blow to her stomach. Bile rose in her throat as she hit the ground.
If Via lived to tell this story, she would say that in seconds she was up again ready and raring to take on the vamps—which would be a lie. Those who had called her hardheaded would be happy to know that too was a lie because as her skull hit the floor with a deafening crack. Via’s body refused to listen to her command to get the fuck up. Even with skill such as Via’s, taking on three vamps in the middle of the night, with no damned back up, was something akin to suicide.


Author Bio:
Inger Iversen was born in 1982 to Anne and Kaii Iversen. She lives in Virginia Beach with her overweight lap cat, Max and her tree hugging boyfriend Joshua. She spends 90 percent of her time in Barnes and Noble and the other ten pretending not to want to be in Barnes and Noble. 

Blitz-wide Giveaway:
The blitz-wide giveaway gives you the chance to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card. This giveaway is international and ends on Thursday April 7.

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Use the Rafflecopter widget below.

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Culinary Delights Giveaway


Culinary Delights Giveaway!1 Lucky Winner Will Win $176 in Culinary Products! Enter Today & Good Luck!

culinarydelights222Deliciously Savvy is Hosting a Giveaway for all Things Culinary! 1 Lucky Winner will receive $176 worth of Items to assist you in your Culinary Adventures! Culinary Corner is providing a Silicone Baking Mat, a 3 Piece Silicone Spatula set and a 2 Piece Silicone Round Ice Mold Set. Then… Two Rivers Coffee is offering a 40 count box of Keurig KCups from Java Factory. Then…. Lori’s Salted Caramel Syrup is providing 2 eight ounce bottles of her delicious Salted Caramel Syrup made in Oregon…PLUS Dish Dish is providing a Digital Recipe Service valued at $50 for 50 recipes PLUS a Bamboo Cutting board! Enter Today and Good Luck!

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Hosted By: Deliciously Savvy

Co-Hosted By:

Mom Junky // My Dairy-Free Gluten-Free Life // My Silly Little Gang // Heartfully Heather // Capri’s Coupons // IMHO Views, Reviews and Giveaways // Heartbeats~ Soul Stains // Amy & Aron’s Real Life Reviews // Oh My Heartsie Girl // The Minister’s Wife // Box Roundup // Michigan Savings & More

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Read My Review HERE
Read My Review HERE
Read My Review HERE
Read My Review HERE


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Giveaway Dates ~ 03/08 9PM EST until 03/30 11:59PM EST
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Event Review: Play Fair NY at Javits Center

During February 13 through February 16, toys and toy lovers of all ages took over New York. Toy Fair has always been an industry professional only event but for the first time there was a sister show Play Fair which was open to the public. Play Fair was on February 13 and February 14. The event was split into four sessions. Attendees purchased tickets for morning or afternoon sessions or they could purchase a weekend experience pass for an enjoyable weekend.
Play Fair NY at Javits Center
– Tempestt Patterson/flickr.com/photos/temppatt

 The interactive and fun-filled event was presented by LEGO and Nickelodeon to celebrate everyone’s love for toys and entertainment. Attendees enjoyed hands-on exhibits, viewing exclusive toys, meet and greets with their favorite celebrities or characters and more. I had the pleasure of attending the sold out Sunday afternoon session.

Nickelodeon’s interactive booth at Play Fair NY at Javits Center
– Tempestt Patterson/flickr.com/photos/temppatt
When you entered the event, you received an easy-to-follow map that included a schedule with stage and meet and greet event times. Some of the fun-packed activities on the show floor included sliding down an exclusive PAW Patrol slide, building a LEGO car and racing it down a ramp, creating your own toy review videos, checking out the new Batmobile from Warner Bros. Pictures’ Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, testing out the latest from NERF in the NERF arena and so much more.
Batmobile at Play Fair NY at Javits Center
– Tempestt Patterson/flickr.com/photos/temppatt 
NERF Arena at Play Fair NY at Javits Center
– Tempestt Patterson/flickr.com/photos/temppatt
Play Fair’s live performances took place at the far end of the show floor on the Toys”R”Us Stage. I had the opportunity to view the ultimate lightsaber training session provided by Hasbro. Excited audience members got a hands-on learning experience about lightsaber forms and techniques. YouTube personalities KidToyTesters took the stage to host a live toy unboxing. They picked audience members in the crowd to join them on stage to play with each unboxed toy. The lucky audience member also got to take the toy they helped unbox home.  
Lightsaber Training at Play Fair NY at Javits Center
– Tempestt Patterson/flickr.com/photos/temppatt
KidToyTesters at Play Fair NY at Javits Center
– Tempestt Patterson/flickr.com/photos/temppatt
On the show floor, your child could meet Toys”R”Us mascot, Geoffrey the Giraffe and participate in various birthday-themed activities. If you really wanted to get to know Geoffrey, you had to visit the Toys”R”Us Stage for “Geoffrey’s Storytime.” The story titled “The Legend of Geoffrey” taught you all about the well-loved superstar giraffe. 
Geoffrey’s Storytime at Play Fair NY at Javits Center
– Tempestt Patterson/flickr.com/photos/temppatt
The seating at the Toys”R”Us Stage reached capacity during the special “Shopkins Fashion Show.” Before the fashion show, Strawberry Kiss dancing with the children during a dancing contest to “Shake It Off” by Taylor Swift. An audience member won a Shopkins prize as the fashion show began. The fashion show featured Shopkins awesome new line of clothing and accessories plus cute dresses modeled after Shopkins. The fashion show closed with more cool dancing and Shopkins prizes.
Shopkins Strawberry Kiss at Play Fair NY at Javits Center
– Tempestt Patterson/flickr.com/photos/temppatt
Shopkins Fashion Show at Play Fair NY at Javits Center
– Tempestt Patterson/flickr.com/photos/temppatt
Play Fair was an awesome way for toy lovers of all ages to experience toys, characters and entertainment in-person. At the end of the Play Fair experience, every attendee received a gift bag with cool goodies inside. So whether you played with toys, went to a meet and greet or viewed a show on stage, the first-ever Play Fair was a play day not to miss.
LEGO Javits Center model at Play Fair NY at Javits Center
– Tempestt Patterson/flickr.com/photos/temppatt
To see more of my photos from Play Fair NY, visit flickr.com/photos/temppatt.
Photo Credit:
The photos used was taken and owned by me. If you use any of the photos, please credit Tempestt Patterson – flickr.com/photos/temppatt.
This is a live event review of Play Fair NY from February, 14 2015 at 3 p.m. at Javits Center. I was not compensated for this post. Reviews are based on personal opinion and not influenced in any way. Comments concerning reviews from attendees about their opinion is encouraged and welcome through the comment board.

Book Blitz: ’80s Mix Tape Anthology + Giveaway


’80s Mix Tape
A.J. Pine, Autumn Jones Lake, Bobbi Ruggiero, Gwen Hayes, Jenny Holiday, Karen Booth, Rachel Cowell
(Romance Rewind #2)
Publication date: February 9th 2016
Genres: New Adult, Romance

Save a Prayer by Karen Booth
Angie Dawson never wants to see Graham Whiting again, a complete impossibility living in Stourbridge,England, the town outside London where she and Graham grew up. His band, Banks Forest, is so hot in the UK they might as well be on fire. She can’t turn on the blooming radio or watch telly or look at a magazine without being confronted by the ’80s Fab Four, fronted by the sexy bloke she’d once called her boyfriend. Every girl in England wants him. Bloody bastard.
Desperate to escape the 24-7 Banks Forest overload, Angie takes a twoweek job working as a photographer at the Music Revolution festival in the US. Finally, she can set her mind on something other than Graham and what it was like before he started being such a wanker. Maybe she can sort out what to do with her life. If she’s lucky, she’ll meet a cracking guy who doesn’t think he’s God’s gift to women. The instant she steps off the plane, she learns how daft her plan was. Banks Forest mania practically followed her across the Atlantic. Her new job puts her in Graham’s sights and he’s dead-set on winning her back. He knows the perfect things to say, the right way to kiss her and make everything brilliant again. She wants him, she wants him to be the guy he says he can be, but he’s about to go on the road for a year. How does a reunion with her ex end up being anything more than a one-night stand? 

Need You Tonight by Gwen Hayes
Jacob Stone is on the run for a crime he didn’t commit, but when he’s stranded with the only woman he’s ever loved by chance, the girl he abandoned to protect two years ago, he can’t deny the need to possess her one last time. Mind, body, and soul.
Typical good girl Becky McDonald has loved bad boy Jacob since they were kids, but even as she gives in to the passion only he can ignite in her, she hides the truth. The one secret that would bring him back is the lie she can never reveal.
One night of passion. One night of need. That’s all they can have, but it will never be enough. 

Kickstart My Heart by Autumn Jones Lake
Russell“Chaser” Adams knows he’s destined to take over his father’s outlaw motorcycle club one day. With Chaser’s heavy metal band close to making it big, his father encourages him to pursue his music for now. Chaser straddles his Harley and heads across the country to the Sunset Strip.
Raised in a strict family with old-world traditions and their own secrets, Mallory Delov longs for glitter and glamor instead of blood and deceit. With her father serving time, it’s the perfect time to escape his domineering grasp and pursue her lifelong dream of becoming an actress.
After nailing her first audition, Mallory is offered the part of a playful vixen who torments the lead singer of the up and coming metal band, Kickstart. Her job description calls for lots of hair tossing and ass wiggling. Not quite the career she had in mind.
She didn’t plan to fall in love either. Unlike any man she’s ever known, she can’t help being drawn to the guitar player, Chaser. He’s sweet, yet dangerous. An irresistible mixture to Mallory.
On the surface they seem like complete opposites.
Little do either of them know how much they have in common. 

867-5309 by Jenny Holiday
Jenny Fields is a crusader. The editor of her college newspaper, she never met a cause she couldn’t get behind. So when the administration announces it’s tearing down the historic art building, she’s on the case. All she needs to do is get Matthew Townsend, the art department’s most talented student, on board. If she could just get the moody genius to answer his phone… 

Drummer Girl by A.J. Pine
Sam Walsh is done—done with college, done with guys, done with the whole scene. After graduation tomorrow, she’ll head home, ready to start her job as an elementary school music teacher in the fall. But her roommate coaxes her out for what she promises will be an epic last night, a night that ends up changing everything.
London Calling is the up-and-coming band playing at the local bar, and Sam can’t take her eyes off the sexy drummer. When he dedicates the drummer’s choice song to her, she knows the evening might be more epic than she’d imagined. Then one kiss turns her world upside down, making her question everything she thought she wanted out of her last night at school.
Ben McCarthy is the guy behind the drums, the would-have-been 306 valedictorian who dropped out three years ago to follow his dream. Tomorrow he and the band leave for London, but for one unforgettable night, it’s just Sam, the music, and him. Can a girl with her feet planted firmly on the ground fall for the boy who reaches for the stars when the only result is a broken heart? 

Young Teacher by Bobbi Ruggiero
Control freak Julia Powers hates surprises. With the skills of a ninja, she keeps her ad business and personal life in perfect order. That leaves zero time for fun, let alone men. But there’s nothing wrong with having a little crush on the guy she sees at lunchtime, is there? Sure, he’s a lot younger, but it’s only a crush. It’s not like she’s going to date him or anything.
Matthew Gordon wants nothing more than for his band Joyride to go national. While he waits for his big break, he spends his days working in a sandwich shop—a job he loathes—and teaching guitar on the side—a job he loves. His days get a bit more interesting when a mysterious woman comes in for lunch and hands him a list of her favorite songs. So imagine his surprise when she shows up at his door for guitar lessons.
Unfortunately, Julia can’t play guitar to save her life, and her frustration threatens to ruin any chance of her finding happiness—with herself, or in love. Will he ever be able to teach her that she’s perfect just as she is? 

Just Like Heaven by Rachel Cowell
As a premed student, college junior Sarah Lattimore’s life is a carefully calibrated system of studying, studying, MCAT prep courses, and more studying. She didn’t have time for a social life in high school, and she definitely doesn’t have time for one now. But when she walks into the first day of anatomy lab and sees her gorgeous TA, Sarah’s brilliant mind is suddenly racing in new directions.
Grad student Josh Chapman’s mom died of ovarian cancer when he was a teenager, and his grief and rage at the experience turned his future aspirations toward cancer research. But the unbelievably cute, nerdy, and possibly insane Sarah Lattimore is in his section, and she’s… distracting. But when admiring from afar turns to up close and personal, both their academic lives begin to fall apart. Sarah cares too much about her grades to stay with Josh and she breaks things off.
But when she makes a mistake in class that results in Josh facing expulsion, will this mean the end of his dreams? Or will Sarah realize in time that being with Josh was the smartest choice she’d ever made?

Sneak a Peek at a couple of books from this anthology:

Excerpt from Save a Prayer by Karen Booth:
I sucked in a deep breath through my nose and willed a smile onto my face. I was over Graham. I’d worked my way through it. And enduring thirty seconds of screeching girls at the newsstand was enough of a test for now.
I wound my way down to baggage claim, fetching my suitcase then out to the curb to wait for my ride to the city from an unknown volunteer for the Music Revolution Festival. Most parents would probably not be pleased by my new job, but mine were. Well, my mum was. I wasn’t sure about my dad. An award-winning photo-journalist, he hadn’t taken a picture in six months, nor had he spoken a word. Not since the stroke that left him paralyzed on one side of his body and unable to speak. Standing there, I couldn’t escape the self-doubt—first time in America, on my own, wanting to show Graham that I was not only over him, I was okay with what had happened, hoping like hell I could live up to even a fraction of my dad’s brilliance. Photographing Graham’s band left me at a serious disadvantage.
Just then a dodgy looking sky blue car wobbled past me at the curb, sputtering black fumes when it came to a stop. Dozens of band stickers blanketed the bumper—Joy Division, The Smiths, Blondie, and Tears for Fears were only the start. Out popped a girl with curly blonde hair, more blue eyeliner than I’d ever seen, and an arm loaded down with black rubber bracelets. “You must be Angie Dawson. I was told to look for a British redhead.”
My vision narrowed on her. “That’s me.”
She held out her hand to shake mine. “Welcome to Philly. I’m Darla. But people call me Gigi. I’m supposed to drive you to the hotel and make sure you have everything you need while you’re here.”
“Brilliant. Thanks.” I picked up my suitcase and followed her to the car. “The redhead I get, but what exactly makes me look British?”
Gigi shrugged, opening the car boot with her key. “I have no idea. People say stupid things, don’t they? Luckily you were the only ginger out here.”
“Ginger, huh? I take it you’ve been to England?”
“Yep. That’s what you call redheads, right?”
I nodded as she closed the trunk. “Absolutely.”
We climbed inside the car and after several attempts she got the engine running again. “First time in the States?”
“It is. I’ve been trying to get a magazine job as a photographer for over a year, and luckily, the guy at Music Maker got sacked after he was arrested for a fight in a pub. I just got hired.”
Gigi pulled onto a motorway and put in a cassette that started out with The Cutter by Echo and the Bunnymen, one of my favorite songs. With the windows rolled down, the early afternoon heat swirled our hair every which way while the car rattled as if it was held together with chewing gum and a few odd screws. “I’m just a runner,” she shouted over the music and road noise. “But I’m learning how to run sound and lights. I really want to go on the road with a band at some point. I’m such a huge music fan. I can’t think of anything more exciting than that.”
“Cool.” I didn’t offer more. Gigi would have to learn on her own how unexciting it could be to go on the road with a band, although touring with Banks Forest was likely a much higher-class affair now than it had been in the early days.
“Oh!” Gigi exclaimed. “I forgot. I have a message for you in my bag from the editor at Music Maker. They called for you at the production office this morning. It’s right in that side pocket. You can go ahead and get it out.”
I leaned down and slipped my hand into the outside compartment of Gigi’s black LeSport Sac. My heart picked up as I unfolded the paper. For the first time since I’d landed, I was thrilled by the prospects ahead, rather than dreading what would happen if things didn’t go right. I was finally a working photographer. I’d gotten a call at a major music festival production office from my employer.
For: Angie Dawson
From: Oliver Harvey, 7/11/85
Banks Forest and their road manager will meet you in hotel bar at 7 pm to discuss the band’s schedule.
And there it was. I was officially on my way. Back into the sights of Graham Whiting.
Excerpt from Need You Tonight by Gwen Hayes
Jacob’s eyes never rest. He glances at me briefly before scanning the swarm of disgruntled travelers around us. The logical side of my brain says that he is just being careful. People on the run have to be hypersensitive to their surroundings. The illogical poster-girl-of-a-train-wreck side thinks he just wants to get away from me as soon as possible and is looking for a break in the crowds.
“Where were you going?” he asks. Probably to be polite.
“Florida. You?” Stupid girl. “Never mind. That was dumb. You can’t tell me where you are going or where you’ve been or probably even what you had for breakfast yesterday.”
“It doesn’t really matter where I was going,” he says, glossing over my sarcasm like he always does. “Nobody’s getting out of Detroit alive tonight.” He looks at his watch. “I guess I should try to book a room.”
I follow his wrist back down to his side with my gaze. God, nothing has changed. Even his wrists turn me on. Focus, Becky. “Good luck with that. Hotel rooms are going to be scarce.”
“I suppose you already have one.”
I shrug. “You know me.”
Awkward silence.
“You look good, Becky.”
Though they are kind, the words bite into my tender heart with razor sharp teeth. They are so tame compared to the last time he told me how I looked. When he said he couldn’t get enough of my hot little body. That I made him so hard every time he looked at me. My face was forever etched in his mind.
Now I look “good.”
I smile through the jagged pain because that is what you do when it hurts to breathe. “Thanks. I don’t suppose we could grab a cup of coffee, could we?” I don’t know why I said that. Why did I just say that?
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea. It’s risky.”
Two years. I have missed him every day for two years. “We’re random strangers in a crowded airport today. Is it really so dangerous?”
He rubs his chin, scratching at the light dusting of stubble. “You’re not a random stranger, Becks.”
I shrug. “Nobody here knows that.” What if he says yes? What would it be like to forget, just for one hour, all the things that haunt me? Just take a step out of time. “It’s coffee, not a dark alley. I’ll help you make calls to hotels first.”
I don’t wait for an answer; I just grab his hand and pull. He’ll follow. He’ll roll his eyes, act a little miffed, and go along with me just like he always used to. Because he didn’t say no. He said he didn’t know if it was a good idea. Semantics are everything with a guy like Jacob Stone.
Twenty minutes later, after fruitless phone calls for a room, Jacob takes a long pull from his coffee and sits back in his chair, defeated. “How did you score a room? Wait, don’t tell me. You reserved it days ago, didn’t you?”
“The storm isn’t a surprise. They’ve been tracking it for a while.”
Jacob looks out the windows across the terminal. “It looks like a hurricane out there. It’s getting dark, too.”
The airport is stuffy and hot, with the temperature rising as the untraveling passengers’ moods get hotter. “I know you’ll say no, but you are welcome to crash in my room. It’s better than the floor at the gate.”
“That’s a bad idea.” Jake shuts down, just like he always did. That means no.
Now is make-or-break for what’s left of my pride. The interlude was pleasant, in its own way, but I am a realist now. A step out of time can’t take me a mile. I’ve learned the hard way that real life encroaches too soon. He’s broken my heart for the last time. I won’t beg again. This time, I’ll be the one to walk away.
“Suit yourself.” I push away from the table, slinging my carryon over my shoulder. “I’ll leave a key for you at the desk, Mr. McDonald, in case you should change your mind.” I walk just past the table and stop without turning around. “Take care of yourself.”
I miss you.
And that is that.

Blitz-wide Giveaway:
The blitz-wide giveaway gives you the chance to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card. This giveaway is international and ends on Thursday February 18th.

To Be Entered:
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Book Blitz: Banished by Kimberley Griffiths Little + Giveaway


Kimberley Griffiths Little
(Forbidden #2)
Published by: HarperCollins
Publication date: February 2nd 2016
Genres: Historical, Romance, Young Adult

She thought she’d lost everything . . .
After spending months traveling the harsh, unforgiving Mesopotamian desert, Jayden reunites with a broken, injured Kadesh. Although everyone was convinced the violent and unpredictable Horeb, Jayden’s betrothed, killed the handsome prince, Jayden knew in her heart that her love was alive and safe. But their reunion is short-lived, as they learn Horeb is on their trail and determined to take back the girl he has claimed. Soon, the two star-crossed lovers are on the run toward Sariba, Kadesh’s homeland, where, as heir to the Kingdom, he plans to make Jayden his princess.
But the trek to Sariba is fraught with heartache and danger. After narrowly escaping being stoned to death for a crime she didn’t commit, and learning that her sister has disappeared, Jayden’s only solace is her love for Kadesh. But even he is keeping secrets from her . . . secrets that will change everything.
This gorgeous and enchanting sequel to Forbidden, is full of love, danger, and heated passion that will leave readers breathless.

Sequel to:
Booklist Review:

“This sequel to Forbidden (2014) picks up with desert girl Jayden, distraught that the young man she loves, Kadesh, might have died. But, of course, he hasn’t. Scarred and missing an eye, yes, but he’s escaped the clutches of Horeb, Jayden’s malicious betrothed. Traveling bravely through the desert, Jayden finds him. But that perilous trip is only the first of the dangers to come. Gathering an army, Kadesh is determined to return to his faraway home, where the valuable frankincense grows, and introduce Jayden as his future bride. First, however, they must face betrayal, danger, and a waiting evil. Jayden achieves almost superhero status here, moving from adventure to adventure—not even a near-death stoning can stop her. Little’s descriptions of the landscape are evocative in both desolation and in beauty. Just as good is her pacing, which gets the blood pumping for both characters and readers. Far more than a bridge book, this will heighten anticipation for a no-doubt exciting conclusion.



A dirty, callused hand slapped down over my mouth and the stale breath of a man hissed in my ear. “Don’t move or I’ll slit your pretty, little neck.”
I clawed at the stranger’s cloak, trying to push him off, but he was too heavy. A moment later, I realized my ankles were tied together. I couldn’t run, couldn’t even move. Shrieks gurgled in my throat as if I was drowning, his hand cutting off my air.
Only one day into my journey to find Kadesh and I was already dead.
The sharp tip of a blade pressed against my neck, and I whimpered.
“Give me the frankincense of the stranger we killed.” The man’s foul breath dragged across my face. He was referring to Kadesh, the boy I loved, who’d been murdered by Horeb, the prince of my tribe.
With myself as a witness, I’d watched Horeb plunge his sword into Kadesh and then order his soldiers to drag his body off.
Shock flooded me when I realized who my attacker was. I wrenched his fingers away from my mouth and with a raw voice, said, “Gad? What are you doing lurking about the cliffs of Mari?”
This man was a childhood friend of Horeb’s and one of my own tribesmen. His body pressed against mine, and I writhed in disgust.
There was only one reason Gad was in the foothills of Mari, far from the oasis of Tadmur where my tribe camped for the summer. He was a member of Horeb’s army.
Horeb, my betrothed. The man who’d attacked and scarred me. Blackmailed me for the murder of his father to hide the fact that he’d killed his own father so he could steal the tribal crown.

Forbidden Quote Without a torch(1)

Author Bio:
When I was a kid I read a book a day, scribbled stories, and dreamed about having my very own book on the library shelf. I grew up in San Francisco, but now live in an adobe house on the banks of the Rio Grande with my husband and sons. I think I’ve drunk so much Land of Enchantment water that some of that ancient magic got into my blood and now spurts out my pencil–I mean ergonomic keyboard. I adore anything old and musty with a secret story to tell.
I’m the author of 10 award-winning middle-grade and Young Adult novels with Scholastic and Harpercollins and I make way too many cookies when I’m writing – and I’ve got the best book trailers in the universe – for reals! Check them out here: www.kimberleygriffithslittle.com. Please find me on Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, and Youtube.
Awards: Southwest Book Award, Whitney Award for Best Youth Novel, Whitney Award Finalist and Association of Mormon Letters of Art Award, Bank Street College Best Books of 2011, 2013, and 2015, a Crystal Kite Finalist, and New Mexico Book Award Finalist.

Blitz-wide Giveaway:
The blitz-wide giveaway gives you the chance to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card. This giveaway is international and ends on Thursday February 11th.

To Be Entered:
Use the Rafflecopter widget below.

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Book Blitz: Ultimate Sin by Clarissa Wild + Giveaway


Ultimate Sin
Clarissa Wild
Publication date: January 26th 2016
Genres: Adult, Romance

Rule #1: Never disobey master’s commands.
Rule #2: Always strive to please your master.
Rule #3: Don’t ever kill your master.
Breaking the rules is the ultimate sin.
All I am is a servant. Rules like these keep me alive. They’re all I’ve ever known.
Until him.
My new master: Marcus Knight, the charismatic and ambitious leader of an underground empire.
A man with a history he vows to destroy.
With his newfound ownership over me, he seeks to atone for his crimes … and to satisfy his wicked needs.
With love, he shows me what it means to belong to him … and it makes me question everything.
I don’t know why he chose me, but it feels too good to be true.
And it is.
Because I’m going to break all the rules.


After I’ve thrown off my dress and have released the straps of my bra, he notices. “What are you doing?”

“Undressing,” I answer as I step out of my panties.
His eyes take in my body like a hungry wolf desperate for some relief.
He’s visibly affected, swallowing, licking his lips, muscles still thrumming with pent-up rage.
I want to help him, console him, make him feel good again, so I step into the shower with him.
“Why?” he asks, looking down at me with those lust-filled eyes.
“Because my Master needs me.”
He makes a face. “I don’t need you. I don’t want to need you. And I sure as hell don’t want you to think that your Master needs you.”
“Then it’s because I want you,” I say.
The water splashes his back as he traps me within his arms. “I killed for you. I murdered a man. Blood is on my hands. You should despise me. Be disgusted by me.”
“I’m not,” I say softly.
“And you want to help me?”
“I want you to feel good,” I say. “And I’ll do anything to make it happen, Master.”
I wrap my arms around his neck and push myself against him, rubbing my breasts against his chest. His growing dick pushes against my belly.
His brows draw together. “Stop.”
“Stop what?” I ask, pressing a kiss to the side of his lips.
He groans with desire, and his hand grips my shoulder. “I don’t deserve you,” he says. “Not after … what I did.”
“Master. You told me I should speak my mind and that my feelings are okay. So I will tell you right now my feelings for you have only grown. You are not a monster. You’re a kind man … let me be kind to you as well. Let me thank you for what you did.”
I press another kiss to the other side of his lips, and soon, they find their way to his mouth. We draw toward each other like an unstoppable force pulls us in. Our kisses hot, furious, ignited by passion and the heat of drops clattering down on us. His body tenses against me as his arms wrap around my body to pull me to him.
As our lips unlatch, I catch a drop of blood running down his cheek. It’s not his, but it doesn’t scare me. I wipe it off and show it to him, and he looks concerned.
“Why aren’t you scared?” he asks.
“Because I choose not to be,” I answer. “And I also choose to thank you for it.”
I leave a peck on his chest, scattering kisses wherever I can. A deep, rumbling groan leaves his mouth, setting my senses on fire. I love that sound of primal need rushing to the surface. And even though he refuses to do something about it, I will do it for him because that’s what good girls do.


Author Bio:
Want to be the first to get your hands on new books & get access to free short stories, giveaway prizes, previews, and more? Sign up here http://eepurl.com/FdY71 

Clarissa Wild is a New York Times & USA Today Bestselling author, best known for the dark Romance novel Mr. X. Her novels include the Fierce Series, the Delirious Series, and Stalker. She is also a writer of erotic romance such as the Blissful Series, The Billionaire’s Bet series, and the Enflamed Series. She is an avid reader and writer of sexy stories about hot men and feisty women. Her other loves include her furry cat friend and learning about different cultures. In her free time she enjoys watching all sorts of movies, reading tons of books and cooking her favorite meals. 

Blitz-wide Giveaway:
The blitz-wide giveaway gives you the chance to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card, Signed Paperback and Signed Swag Pack. This giveaway is international and ends on Friday February 5th.

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Use the Rafflecopter widget below.

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Book Blitz: Marked by Amy Saunders + Giveaway


Amy Saunders
(The Birthright, #2)
Publication date: January 31st 2016
Genres: Science Fiction, Young Adult

Starting over for Rosamund Brandt is more complicated than it sounds. Especially when the past keeps coming back to haunt her. As she and her mom and brother try to pick up the pieces in a new home, the universe seems determined to tear them apart even more as secrets multiply, and distrust grows. 

While new threats and unknowns emerge, Rosamund struggles with her own inner battle. Her new powers are growing whether she wants them or not, and their origins and nature are sketchy at best. The more that’s revealed to her, the more uncertain she feels. 

Choosing allies and facing new and old enemies alike may not be their biggest problems. Not if Rosamund’s worst fears come true. Could she be the one they should fear the most?

Sequel to:


Xavier turned his back to me, disappearing among the students walking in all directions. I gulped down the lump in my throat, and headed toward my locker on autopilot. I walked straight down the middle of the hallway, students veering around me one way or the other. Each step was like the last, until gravel crunched beneath my boot.
I stopped walking and glanced down. Instead of tile, I saw charred black gravel. When I looked back up, I was standing in a virtual field of the stuff. There was nothing else around me except some hills the same color. The sky was gray and wind blew strands of my hair across my face. When I brushed the hair away, I saw something glint among the rocks near my feet.
I bent down, brushing the blackened dirt away, revealing something silver. I grazed the edge of it with my fingertips, then plunged my fingers into the gravel, pulling out the object. I stood again, my hand wrapped around it. When I glanced up, I was back in the hallway, students parting around me.
Another memory. Each one seemed to get more vivid and real.
But then I felt something cold in my hand.
I slowly unwrapped my fingers, and charcoaled dirt sifted between them onto the floor, leaving behind a 3-D silver serpentine object the size of my palm. My hand shook. That wasn’t just a memory. I’d physically done something. Or, more to the point, I’d gone somewhere. And I was pretty sure it wasn’t on Earth.
I covered the object in my hand again. I took a step forward, totally ready to skip class to go have a meltdown in the bathroom, when someone grabbed my arm, dragging me across the hall into an empty classroom. I wrenched away, facing the guy from detention–who didn’t exist in school records.
“What are you doing?” he hissed. “Didn’t you grow up like this? I thought you’d know better.”

Author Bio:
Amy is a sci-fi/mystery addict with a soft spot for humor and romance. She lives in Massachusetts, and loves to bake and watch movies. Learn more about Amy and her books at http://amysaundersauthor.com

Blitz-wide Giveaway:
The blitz-wide giveaway gives you the chance to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card. This giveaway is international and ends on Thursday February 11th.

To Be Entered:
Use the Rafflecopter widget below.

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Book Blitz: Harley by Michelle Jo Quinn + Kindle Fire Giveaway


Michelle Jo Quinn
Published by: Limitless Publishing
Publication date: January 19th 2016
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

All of her life, Cadence “Cade” Williams has been lied to…
With her ailing father on his deathbed, a whispered secret sends Cadence’s life into a tailspin. Determined to either confirm or debunk her father’s claim, she sets out on a mission to grow close to the only man with evidence to set things straight. To do that, Cadence earns a position in an elite security firm owned by her father’s old army buddy, Noah “Mac” Mackinley.
Mac is the only man who could hold the evidence to support her father’s claims…
But first, she must prove herself worthy of Mac’s trust and get close enough to find the truth. Her first mission is to watch over an eight-year old girl, Harley Clark.
Harley is not an ordinary girl. She’s the daughter of a rock star…
Despite her fragile appearance, Harley has tenacity and brilliance like nothing Cade has ever seen. To everyone’s surprise—including her own—Cade forms an unlikely friendship with the beautiful wallflower.
Her first assignment just became more interesting…
When Harley’s rock star father, Jax Clark, enters the scene, Cade can’t deny the instant attraction for the self-proclaimed bad boy. Tattoos, piercing eyes, and a raspy voice that sends thousands of fans into a screaming frenzy, he’s more than just a heartthrob. Worse, Jax starts to pay her more attention than she expects.
She’s faced with a choice—get lured in by the celebrity world and lose any chance of finding out the truth, or stick to the plan and avoid Jax at all costs to earn Mac’s trust.


Author Bio:
Michelle ‘s love for writing blossomed when her father gave her a diary. However, instead of recounting her daily life, she wrote stories of fictional people. Like most of her characters, she believes in Happily Ever After. Naturally, she finds harmony in writing romance.
An unabashed, self-proclaimed foodie, Michelle loves to try new food whenever she travels. She once had triple crème Brie and duck rillette for lunch on top of Grouse Mountain. She enjoys watching foreign films and reading a good book by the fireside.
Michelle is an active member of RWA and several of its chapters. She lives in Ontario, Canada with her husband and two kids.

Blitz-wide Giveaway:
The blitz-wide giveaway gives you the chance to win a Kindle Fire Tablet (US & CAN) and 2 ebooks of Harley (INTL). This giveaway ends on Thursday January 28.

To Be Entered:
Use the Rafflecopter widget below.

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Book Blitz: Happily Ever Alpha Boxed Set + Giveaway


Happily Ever Alpha Paranormal Romance Boxed Set: Sexy Shifters, Wickedly Cool Witches, Werewolves, Vampires, Gargoyles, Demons, Psychics, & More!
Publication date: January 26th 2016
Genres: Paranormal Romance

When Once Upon A Time Isn’t Enough
Happily Ever Alpha – From Twenty-Two NY Times, USA Today, and Amazon Bestselling Authors
What’s Inside:
Professionally Edited and Formatted.
Limited Edition. Sale Ends Soon!
Fourteen HOT paranormal alpha-male romances and six additional kick-ass paranormal romance tales bundled together in one of the steamiest collections to date!
With twenty-one novels and novellas and over one million seductive words of fiction, this paranormal romance boxed set will leave you Happily Ever Alpha.
These hot heroes and tough as nails heroines will steal your heart and make your beg for more.
How about a little Heat to keep you warm this Winter?
Our first tagline was so hot, Amazon wouldn’t let us publish it here, but you can find that same heat burning inside the pages of this set. Treat yourself to a varied collection of hot, steamy, and passionate paranormal tales. This satisfying collection has something to excite all readers.
With sexy shifters, hot vampires, wickedly cool witches, and so much more, this boxed set will has titles that will either warm you up or set you on fire—Take your pick!
For a limited time, you can enjoy books from today’s NY Times, USA Today, and Amazon Bestselling authors!
When purchased separately, these books cost over $50! But they are yours today for less than $1.
Every selection in this rare, limited edition paranormal romance boxed set are full-length novels and novellas!
Save over $50! This set is only available at this price for a limited time, so order your copy before it’s gone!

Blitz-wide Giveaway:
The blitz-wide giveaway gives you the chance to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card. This giveaway is international and ends on Thursday January 28.

To Be Entered:
Use the Rafflecopter widget below.

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Book Blitz: Magnate by Celia Aaron + Giveaway


Celia Aaron
(Acquisition #2)
Publication date: January 19th 2016
Genres: Erotica, Romance

Lucius Vinemont has spirited me away to a world of sugar cane and sun. There is nothing he cannot give me on his lavish Cuban plantation. Each gift seduces me, each touch seals my fate. There is no more talk of depraved competitions or his older brother – the one who’d stolen me, claimed me, and made me feel things I never should have. Even as Lucius works to make me forget Sinclair, my thoughts stray back to him, to the dark blue eyes that haunt my sweetest dreams and bitterest nightmares. Just like every dream, this one must end. Christmas will soon be here, and with it, the second trial of the Acquisition.

Sequel to:

“Off.” He growled and gripped one side, yanking the shirt apart, buttons bouncing off the hardwood floors as he pulled the shirt roughly down my arms and tossed it.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” His body was hot, alive, and hard at my back. I couldn’t stay here. Not with him. Not in this bed like we were lovers, like we were two people who could seek solace from each other. We weren’t. We never could be those people. “Stop!”
He caged me, my struggles nothing to him even in his weakened state. “You aren’t leaving this bed. Get used to it. Don’t fucking try anything.”
I stopped fighting. There was no point. I would just have to wait until he fell asleep.
“You’re mine, Stella.” He tightened his grip with each word. “I don’t care where you run, who you choose, what you say, or what you fucking do. You, all of you, belongs to me.”
“I’m not a thing you can own,” I hissed.

He laughed, the sound low and full of heat. “You can hop countries like a skipping stone for all I care. I’ll find you, and you’ll wind up right where you are now.”

Author Bio:
Celia Aaron is the self-publishing pseudonym of a published romance and erotica author. She loves to write stories with hot heroes and heroines that are twisty and often dark. Thanks for reading.
Sign up for my newsletter at aaronerotica.com to get information on new releases. (I would never spam you or sell your info, just send you book news and goodies sometimes).

Blitz-wide Giveaway:
The blitz-wide giveaway gives you the chance to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card. This giveaway is international and ends on Thursday January 21.

To Be Entered:
Use the Rafflecopter widget below.

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Book Blitz: Unraveled by Jennifer Dawson + Giveaway


Jennifer Dawson
(Undone #2.5)
Publication date: January 19th 2016
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Valentine’s night. Three women. A hot new club where anything can happen. 

After a life changing tragedy Layla Hunter is finally happy. Michael Banks has pulled her back from the dead and given her a love she’d thought was lost to her forever. Now, all she wants is to return the favor and give him the one thing she swore she’d never do again. 

Jillian Banks is up for absolutely anything and her smoking hot fiancé, Leo Santoro, is determined to give it to her. After exploring her fantasies in the privacy of her own home, Jillian’s ready for more and Leo is going above and beyond to make her happy. In return, she’ll do anything to make him proud. 

Ruby Stiles isn’t sure what she’s doing at a sex party at one of Chicago’s most anticipated new clubs. Currently she’s blaming it on curiosity. All she wants is to disappear into the background, only her emotions have decided to go on a roller coaster ride and the last thing she expects is for Chad Fellows to pick up the pieces. 

Sometimes even the best laid plans unravel…

The Undone Series:
CRAVE Undone #1
Buy Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iTunes
Sinful Undone #2
Buy Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iTunes
Unraveled Undone #2.5
Buy Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iTunes
Debauched Undone #3
Releases April 26, 2016 – Add to Goodreads
I don’t know what I’m doing here. I almost turned around and went home about a hundred times on the Uber ride over. The only thing that stopped me was Layla. She invited me to this party and I don’t want to disappoint her.

It’s not like I’m a prude or anything, but sex parties aren’t really my thing. I agreed because I was curious, and have second-guessed my decision ever since.
Michael, my best friend Layla’s boyfriend, lets me in. He smiles and wraps me up in a big bear hug that makes me feel like a miniature person. I’m only five-three, practically tiny next to Michael’s tallness. “Ruby, glad you decided to come along. Come on in.”
“Thanks for the invite,” I say in my most breezy voice. I’m beyond nervous to be doing something so outside my comfort zone, but I don’t want anyone to notice.
I walk into Michael and Layla’s living room to find Layla kneeling on the floor, wearing an obscene white dress that hardly leaves anything to the imagination. Unable to hide my shock, I let out a surprised, “Oh.”
Layla flashes me a sly little grin before giving Michael a dark look.
Michael laughs. “Layla’s working on a bit of an attitude adjustment right now, what can I get you to drink?”
I bite my bottom lip as a stab of jealousy twists in my chest. A jealousy I don’t understand or want, but seems to grow every time I see Layla and Michael. Even engaged in their kinky behavior, they are just so together. So very in love. It’s a stark reminder that Layla has managed to share this bond with two men—her fiancé that passed away and Michael—while I haven’t managed to find it once.
I clear my throat and try to pretend it’s perfectly normal that she’s kneeling on the floor, patting her dog, Belle, and scowling at the love of her life. “I’ll take whatever you have. I’m not picky.”
I turn to Leo and Jillian, who’ve I’ve gotten to know quite well over the last nine months. They’re also in the so-called “lifestyle” and look positively gorgeous together with their dark hair and olive skin. Like Michael, Leo’s wearing all black, and Jillian is decked out in some sort of red dress I can’t even figure out how she got on. The top is a tight corset she looks sewn into and the skirt is a flirty little fabric that barely reaches mid-thigh on her ridiculously long legs. She’s tall—at least five nine or ten—and looks like an Amazon warrior princess.
Leo strokes his hand down her rubber-encased hip and Jillian gives me a glassy-eyed, slightly unfocused smile before waving hello.
Leo winks at me. “You’re looking lovely tonight, Ruby.”
“Thanks,” I say, the response automatic, although I’m not sure it’s true. I’m pretty enough, but in my short, black skirt, studded belt, and black tank top I’m dressed all wrong.
Layla and Jillian look like sex and sin. Every man that sees them tonight will want them. Lust after them and covet what Michael and Leo have. I, on the other hand, look like a pixie rock princess. Like I’m dressed for a Halloween party instead of to be ravished on Valentine’s Day.

Author Bio:
Jennifer Dawson is the author of the popular Something New series; spicy, small town romance released with Kensington, and pens the dark and edgy contemporary romance series Undone. Jennifer grew up in the suburbs of Chicago and graduated from DePaul University with a degree in psychology. She met her husband at the public library while they were studying. To this day, she still maintains she was NOT checking him out. Now, over twenty years later, they are married and living in a suburb right outside of Chicago with two awesome kids and a crazy dog. These days Jennifer can be found sitting behind her computer, writing her next novel, chasing after her kids, keeping an ever-watchful eye on her ever-growing to-do list, and NOT checking out her husband. Jennifer loves connecting with her readers and invites you to check out her website, Facebook page, and join Dawson’s Darlings, her private Facebook Fan group. Sign up for her monthly Newsletter for exclusive insider peeks, new release information and more.

Blitz-wide Giveaway:
The blitz-wide giveaway gives you the chance to win a $25 Amazon/Paypal Gift Card and ebooks of all 3 books. This giveaway is international and ends on Thursday January 28.

To Be Entered:
Use the Rafflecopter widget below.

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Book Blitz: No Promises by N. Raines + Giveaway


No Promises
N. Raines
Publication date: January 15th 2016
Genres: New Adult, Romance

In high school, Sam Pennywell had a massive crush on Rick Russo. But he was her cousin’s boyfriend and strictly off-limits. Meeting Rick again years, later she can hardly recognize the man he’s become. 

As a paramedic, Rick’s career is all about helping others. But in the line of duty, he’s become one of the injured. He’s caught in a dark place he can’t escape on his own. He can’t make Sam any promises of love. Promises are too easily broken.
Sam spends her life taking care of sick and homeless animals. She’s never met a stray she didn’t love, and Rick is the most important rescue she’ll ever make.

Only 99 cents until the end of January!
Rick stood over her teaser
When she got to the kitchen, Sam remembered she’d used the antiseptic cream last night when she cut her finger on a cat-food can. She’d forgotten to return the tube to the bathroom. There it lay, right on the kitchen counter where she’d left it.

Rick would need this. She picked up the ointment and carried it to the downstairs bathroom with Blackberry at her heels. She only intended to tap on the door and quickly hand him the medicine. But Rick hadn’t bothered to close the door. He’d taken off his shirt, and the sight of him without it stopped Sam in her tracks.
He didn’t notice her at first as he rubbed a soapy washcloth on his chest. And, God, what a chest. As impressive as it was clothed, naked it was…amazing. His shoulders were broad and sturdy. The smooth muscles of his chest, covered lightly with dark hair, tapered down to a tight belly. His skin was a light golden color. For a moment Sam forgot to breathe as she imagined how warm and supple it would feel to her touch.
Those thoughts fled when Rick lifted the washcloth to reveal the wicked red streaks left by Big Boy’s claws. Even through a hoodie and T-shirt, the cat had managed to gouge Rick’s left nipple.
She sucked in a startled breath. His gaze flew to her.
“It’s not that bad,” he assured her.
“It looks really painful.” She remembered the ointment in her hand and held it out to him. “I brought you this.”
“Thanks.” He fumbled for a moment with the washcloth, then laid it in the sink. He reached for the towel hanging on the rack.
She stopped him. “Let me get a clean one.”
She took a fresh towel from the linen cabinet and gently blotted his wound.
“I’ll get it bloody,” he murmured.
“Shush. Doesn’t matter.” Sam winced as she gently patted the towel against his flat, copper-colored nipple.
The cat, who’d been circling their feet, hopped to the closed toilet seat, and watched them with wide eyes.
Rick gave Blackberry a look. “‘S’up, you little snoop?”
Without thinking, Sam took the tube from his hand, squeezed a blob of ointment onto her finger, and dabbed it along the raw, red marks on his chest. Concentrating on her task, it wasn’t until she smoothed it on his nipple that she realized she was touching him. She hesitated as a wave of heat flashed through her and a film of perspiration popped out on her hairline. She felt him watching her but was afraid to meet his eyes. Her heart beat a tom-tom in her ears.
His skin felt so warm under her touch. Her fingers tingled. Suddenly she was aware of how close they were. She only needed a half step more to be in his arms…
She lifted her gaze and found herself staring into his deep brown eyes, unable to break the connection between them. He covered her hand, pressing it to his chest. To his heart.

Smooth muscles teaser No Promises

Author Bio:
N. Raines (who also writes as Nona Raines) is a former librarian who lives in upstate New York with her many pets. She’s currently working on her next novel between walking the dog and shooing the cats off the laptop. Her erotic romances are published with The Wild Rose Press and Loose Id. Her transgender romance His Kind of Woman was nominated for the 2014 DABWAHA sponsored by the Dear Author and Smart Bitches, Trashy Books review blogs. Her most recent work is the romance novella Write to Me and the transgender romance Her Kind of Man.

Blitz-wide Giveaway:
The blitz-wide giveaway gives you the chance to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card. This giveaway is international and ends on Thursday January 28.

To Be Entered:
Use the Rafflecopter widget below.

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Book Blitz: Long Overdue by Tara Andrews + Giveaway


Long Overdue
Tara Andrews
Published by: Decadent Publishing Company, LLC
Publication date: January 25th 2014
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Jill Malone has been looking for love for all the wrong reasons. A reality check has her signing up for a no-strings attached night to simply forget about forever after. The last thing she expected was to know her blind date. 

Blake Anders doesn’t need help finding a date, but he’s tempted by 1Night Stand’s reputation of arranging exactly what a person needs. And he needs more. Though doubtful, he agrees to one night and hopes to discover his perfect match. He didn’t count on Madame Eve reaching deep into his past to give him a night with the woman he never forgot.

Fearing another broken heart, Jill works to keep herself from becoming attached, but Blake goes all in to convince her that he wants their long-overdue love to be more than a one-night stand…


“I think there’s been some sort of mistake,” she managed.
“But, we’re here. And I don’t think it’s a mistake.”
Of course, he’d be polite, while wondering what happened to the size zero, with extra-large breasts, he ordered. “I don’t know.” She shook her head and swore disappointment flashed across his face. “I’ll be honest; I am not comfortable.”
“And let me be honest. I’m looking forward to an evening with you.” Ooooh, smooth. Then again, she didn’t expect less, given his tabloid reputation. Still, her legs felt a little less stable.
She faced him. What really went on in his head? “You don’t find it strange that you know me?”
His killer smile set off butterflies in her belly and a warning bell in her mind. “No. In fact, it makes sense.”
“Why is that?”
“Because I used to wonder about you. A lot.”
Jill forgot to breathe. Forgot almost everything. Did he say…?
“Didn’t you ever wonder about me?”
Jill exhaled. “I’m taking the Fifth.” His smile grew. She shook her head, recognizing dangerous territory. “I’m still not sure.” Not sure she’d measured up. Not sure she’d survive with her heart intact.
“Stay for a drink.”
She wavered at his low-voiced offer. Dammit, he’d become even more handsome than she remembered.

Author Bio:
Tara Andrews divides her time between a full-time job as an office manager, an even more full-time job as a wife and mother, and her dream job as a romance author. An avid reader and writer, Tara continuously seeks to hone her craft in order to provide readers with stories that are provocative yet romantic. 

Tara lives in upstate New York with her wonderful husband and two fabulous children.

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Product Review: Camera Roll by Endless Games


Camera Roll by Endless Games
Photo Credit: endlessgames.com
Product: Camera Roll
Manufacturer: Endless Games
Age Requirement: 12 and up
Players: 3 or more
  • 288 Camera Roll Category Cards 
  • One 30-second timer (2 AAA batteries not included) 
  • Score Card
  • Dry-Erase Marker 
  • Instructions
Camera Roll is a photography filled game created by the great game makers at Endless Games. This game is for 3 or more players which makes it a perfect party game. In Camera Roll, you use your photo library to locate photos that fit the description on category cards to win rounds.
To play, it requires that you have access to a cell phone, tablet, laptop, camera or other electronic device. You can also use your photo albums while playing this game. Before the game begins, players determine how many rounds will be played. A round ends after each player has the opportunity to be the “Judge.”
Being the “Judge” in this game requires you to select and announce the new category, start the timer and decide who gets awarded points for the first and best photo. Everyone playing gets a chance to be the judge but being the judge means that you do not get to play during that category. This role rotates after a category is finished.
Camera Roll by Endless Games
Photo Credit: endlessgames.com
A round starts with the judge selecting a card from the deck, reading the category aloud and starting the 30 second timer as players race to find their photo before the timer runs out. The player with the most points at the end of each round wins. There are three ways to score points; finding the appropriate picture within 30 seconds, being the first player to find the appropriate picture or for having the best photo that fits the category.
Camera Roll is a photography game in which you don’t need pro photography to play so all spontaneous photo captures apply. Actually once you start playing and using the category cards, you’ll finally get some use out of those random photos you’ve taken. Some of the category cards are direct like “Sunset,” “Street Sign” or “Steak” while others allow you to get creative like “Something Red,” “That’s Embarrassing” or “This Makes Me Laugh.” The more creative categories are entertaining because that’s when everyone gets competitive in trying to convince the judge their photo is the best.
Camera Roll by Endless Games allows you to play with your photos for countless hours of unpredictable fun. There’s many laughs and memories to be shared and made while playing Camera Roll. For more information or to purchase Camera Roll, visit endlessgames.com.
Please Note: I received a sample to review this game, but no monetary compensation. Reviews are based on personal experience and personal opinion. Individual user opinion may vary. Comments concerning reviews from users about their experiences are encouraged and welcome through the comment board.

Concert Review: TIDAL X: deadmau5 at TIDAL Theater at Barclays Center

On Friday night, TIDAL hosted an inaugural event for the TIDAL Theater at Barclays Center. The inaugural event was a concert titled “TIDAL X: deadmau5.” The concert lineup included deadmau5, Pusha T and some TIDAL Rising Artists.
Deadmau5 performing at TIDAL X: deadmau5

– Tempestt Patterson/flickr.com/photos/temppatt

Pusha T performing at TIDAL X: deadmau5

– Tempestt Patterson/flickr.com/photos/temppatt

The new TIDAL Theater at Barclays Center offers attendees the opportunity to attend an intimate show in a scaled down version of the massive arena. The intimate theater configuration allows seating for between 4,000 and 6,000 while the arena holds a capacity of 19,000 for shows and events. This smaller setting is the perfect place to get to experience seeing your favorite artist live.
Pusha T performing at TIDAL X: deadmau5

– Tempestt Patterson/flickr.com/photos/temppatt

TIDAL is known for providing exclusive content and concerts to its members and this up close and personal experience was one of those many perks to being a TIDAL member. A limited supply of tickets was sold to the general public but many lucky New York TIDAL members received complimentary tickets to attend “TIDAL X: deadmau5.” For anyone who was unable to attend, the event was live streamed for all members and non-members to enjoy on TIDAL.com.
The president of GOOD Music Pusha T took the stage performing a mix of both old and new hits. His set ranged from performing the Clipse hit “Grindin” to performing “Crutches, Crosses, Caskets” that was from his album ‘Darkest Before Dawn: The Prelude’ just released that day. A melody of some of his sick features like Chief Keef’s “I Don’t Like,” Future’s “Move That Dope” and Kanye West’s “Mercy” made the setlist. King Push closed his set untouchable with the hit single “Untouchable.”
Deadmau5 performing at TIDAL X: deadmau5

– Tempestt Patterson/flickr.com/photos/temppatt

EDM producer and DJ Deadmau5 was the evenings headliner. His mouse trap themed stage setup was truly an amazing sight. The massive steel-cage dome was decked out with various lights. The dome encased Deadmau5 inside during the beginning before setting him free to the amazement of the crowd. The setlist included hits like “Ghosts ‘n’ Stuff,” “Strobe” and “The Veldt.” Deadmau5 towards the end of his set took a beer break with a dancing hot dog and shark while “Seeya” played. The entire set was full of nonstop hits that kept the crowd dancing throughout.
The inaugural event “TIDAL X: deadmau5” at the TIDAL Theater at Barclays Center gave music fans an exclusive intimate musical experience that was unforgettable and enjoyable for all.To see more photos from TIDAL X: deadmau5, visit flickr.com/photos/temppatt.

Photo Credit:
The photos used was taken and owned by me. If you use any of the photos, please credit Tempestt Patterson – flickr.com/photos/temppatt.
This is a live review of TIDAL X: deadmau5 from December 18, 2015 at 7 p.m. at TIDAL Theater at Barclays Center. I was not compensated for this post. Reviews are based on personal opinion and not influenced in any way. Comments concerning reviews from attendees about their opinion is encouraged and welcome through the comment board.

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