Review: Amor and Summer Secrets by Diana Rodriguez Wallach


A hot island and even hotter temperatures brings a summer full of surprises!

Fifteen year old Mariana Ruiz has her summer all planned out, to stay in Philadelphia and attend her friend Madison’s Sweet 16 party. But Mariana’s plan gets changed when her father ships her and her brother to Puerto Rico to stay with family they’ve never met. Now that her summer has been planned out for her, Will Mariana have a unforgettable summer or a summer she will hope to forget?

Amor and Summer Secrets is a fun read. It has romance and drama all surrounding a great cast of characters. The best part is that Mariana is likeable, relatable and you can’t help but enjoy joining her on her summer adventure. This book really hooks you in and then at the end leaves you hanging with an amazing cliffhanger. I can’t wait to join Mariana in the sequel, Amigas and School Scandals in October.

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