Review: How to Drive Your Sister Crazy by Diane Z. Shore


The Best Brother EVER!

Bradley Harris Pinkerton has an older sister named Abby. Bradley loves driving Abby crazy. He feels it’s a brothers job to drive his sister crazy. That is why Bradley was nice enough to create this step-by-step guide on how its done. He even gives brothers a fair warning not to let their sister read this book.

How to Drive Your Sister Crazy is a really fun and easy read. The story flows and is perfect for a child who is well on their way to reading but still needs a little help. The pictures really enhance the story. Seeing Bradley sneaking around every corner and seeing Abby’s reactions to what Bradley does just makes you laugh.

The characters are very relatable. Whether you’re a Bradley, one who would get enjoyment out of driving their sibling crazy or an Abby, one who has a sibling who is driving them crazy. There is something for everyone with a sibling in this story. All the Abby’s who manage to get a hold of this book will know what to look out for. All the Bradley’s will find his antics hysterical and might even gain a few tips. I know my sister will.

Be sure to add this adorable book to your book collection.

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