Review: In Your Room by Jordanna Fraiberg


Can perfect strangers be perfect soul mates?

In Your Room is a story of a summer house swap between two families. This swap had the greatest effect on two teenagers.

One being, Molly Hill from LA, who’s mother re-marries and wants her to come along for the honeymoon in Boulder, Colorado. And the other is Charlie Richards from Colorado, who is surprised to hear that his two mothers have them moving to LA for the summer.

Both not being thrilled about their summer plans, Charlie loving mountain trails more than city streets and Molly feeling that Boulder is lacking what she needs to be creative and create designs. They both go in thinking this is going to be a long boring summer and come out thinking something totally different.

In Your Room truly takes you along for Molly and Charlie’s summer swap. Through e-mails, IM’s, adventures and events, you can’t help but find this story cute and delightful. Molly and Charlie are characters that are both relatable and likeable. This book has the perfect twists in its plot to avoid predictability and proves that you can always make the impossible possible.

Be sure to pick you up a copy of In Your Room when it is released in October!

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  1. I've got this book in my TBR pile, and I can't wait to read it. I'm also giving away two copies on my blog sometime this month!

    Great review- it's made me want to read the book even more!

    Book Chic

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