Review: She's So Money by Cherry Cheva


Maya’s Money Making Solution

I loved reading She’s So Money by Cherry Cheva! It was about a girl named Maya who was a very smart girl so she was a tutor at her school. She balances working at her parents Thai restaurant and tutoring. But when her parents leave her in charge of the Thai restaurant she gets a $10,000 fine from the Health Department, she has to pay this fine off but has no clue how to get the cash. So Camden (a boy she is tutoring in school) gives her the idea to use her smarts to get the money.

I enjoyed Maya’s witty sense of humor and the chemistry between her and Camden was just amazing. They truly were like a comedy team, they matched each other’s wisecracks perfectly. I admired Maya’s determination to rectify the fine over her parents restaurant, even though her method of doing so was wrong, she going to make things right the best way she could. From the first day I began reading She’s So Money, I couldn’t put it down, with Maya’s wit and the ever evolving plot, you never know what is going to happen next, and that is what is so wonderful about this captivating book.

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